This took me a few weeks to complete. Took some redesigning along the way but I finally got it to where I am comfortable enough with it. I used WeGame to record, sorry for the lag/graphics. But after watching some reviews I heard that this free recording software is best suited for computers of low memory (My system has 2GB). Game: Minecraft Music by Daniel Rosenfeld ("C418") c418.org EDIT: I didn't use mods or anything like that to help build this, I've gathered my own resources. I really don't understand why some people request a save file/download link. It really isn't that hard or that large of scale to gather resources and build this. And you don't necessarily need to build an exact replica, you can take parts that you like and come up with your own ideas. As for the world, I know it's nice and I would share the ORIGINAL Alpha seed if it were possible to regenerate, but no tools available can do that. Besides, there are more than plenty of awesome seeds out there to try and discover. Main point is I never really had any plans to put up a save, because for these reasons, I shouldn't have to. So there really is no point into constantly asking.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I dont believe u didnt used mods or hacks
thumbs up if you never get a like
@captaineureka this wont get a top comment but this will ehh?
Imagine what a sluuurprise would it be if you find thousluurpdands of sluurppiders in your sluuurpweet home sluurp…
thats a very nice Mountain Modern Home u have there. It will be ashamed if something were to happen to it. hissssssss……….
i can make a dirt house
Damn u stole my comment
Thatssss a nice house u got there
cool house
@xTasogare lol yeah there’s a point, gather resources to build crap lol, invedit kinda ruins it :/
Epic dude!
very nice
youshuold make a floating house in the air en use the water elevator to come back up (they still work in 1.7.3)
i like the fountain!
Guest- what is that sound??
Me- Oh sorry thats just the ghosts that live in the basement
my minecraft house has a similar desigh and i think it would look better if u extend the top floor thats going over make it a full body window put suports on it then add a swiming pool under the extended floor
best house ever
only thing i dont like is the table and chairs, they should make an actualy table and chairs furniture you can use, or else its way too big, the house it’s self is really really neat.
this is what will happen if you play on peaceful…
0:08 How did you manage to put two working Iron doors together?
Theres always just one person in the reactions bar that selected “ouch”
@wolfblade306 “gargamel”. Spell it wrong and it won’t work. But it is indeed possibly the best seed.
if you want a seed that look kinda like this it is gagamel